Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Photo Challenge for Fans to win a free session

I have decided to do a fun photo challenge and open it up to my fans. I am going to have everyone vote on these three categories as to which one you like best. Then, that will be the photo challenge. Once the challenge has been decided on, I will post it along with the start date and an end date of when your submission has to be in. Once I have all submissions, I will post them for voting! I am just doing this for fun and to see how creative you all are :)

Here are the 3 choices. Leave a comment with your vote on what challenge you would like to see.

1) Beauty in something considered ugly
2) Emotion
3) Reminds you of childhood

Let the voting begin. Voting will end on Friday!


  1. 1 :)
    Man, they're all gonna take some thinkin'.

  2. Can I vote even if I don't know that I'll participate? :) I'd like to see photos of #1. Beauty in something considered ugly is my vote.

  3. I vote #1 beauty in something considered ugly.
